
Exercise Life Founder Rick Applewhite

Rick's passion for fitness began when he was a child and continued while studying and participating in collegiate football and track where he was voted captain of the football team and received numerous awards for his athletic and academic abilities, including the Academic All-American, Athletic All-American and two national track and field championships. Rick is thrill seeking participating in skydiving and other extreme sports. 

After college, Rick began participating in numerous free agent camps where he obtained a desire to use exercise in training for purpose.  While training for the NFL, Rick began to think in terms of compounding success for others. During his successful career in the corporate world as a direct sales representative, Rick realized it was time to fulfill his dream to train leaders in pursuing their purpose through exercise.

He is the founder and president of Exercise Life, an organization that focuses on fitness training and leadership development as it empowers people to become fit for life. With more than 300 hours of individual training, Rick has coached a vast amount of clients from the areas of education, business, fashion, entertainment and banking. Rick has spoken at Fortune 500 companies, start-up business and well established Non-For Profits both in Illinois, Michigan and Alabama.  

Rick strongly believes that your power is in your purpose and continually searches for new ways to help others develop their purpose and become more effective in their areas of influence. He wants to help leaders transform from the boardroom to the bench press and from the corporate world to cardio. He has been interviewed multiple times by one of the largest online women magazines for his fitness expertise and is a weekly fitness consultant on a Chicago radio talk show. Rick was voted Top 21 Awesome Trainers in the Midwest, and Top 10 Trainers in Chicago, IL.  Rick also sits on the Board of the American Diabetes Association Expo. As founder of Exercise Life, Rick’s modus operandi is “You must Exercise Life, do not Allow Life to Exercise You”.