
Exercise Life Blog

Posture! Power! Results!

Jul 28, 2014

Most of Americans have a job in which they are sitting, or looking at a computer every day. Although we love our jobs, the sedentary lifestyle leads to arthritis and muscle atrophy. In order to prevent this problem you can do a few things throughout the day that will help you to remain in shape.

1. Take breaks from sitting in front of the computer. I would suggest taking a break every 10-15 minutes. All of us have muscle memory, and the longer we place a certain demand on a muscle group either good or bad the muscle will continually carry about the movement.

2. Engage in a fitness regimen with a professional. A professional will assess current muscle imbalances and begin to assist you with eliminated the deficiencies and reaching your goals.

3. Act now. Procrastination easily sets in and having the ability to act even when your body does not feel like it will yield forth the results that you are looking for.


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